Tuesday, 16 August 2022

Eight Years Later.

Eight years later and life has changed. 

Reading my old blog posts brings back so many memories, and I nearly shed a tear. Memories I had nearly forgotten about, and lifestyles which seem to be from another lifetime. 

Life continued on, and it slowly changed me. As life does.

Of course, many things have happened since 2014. Some of which include: 

Moving to Illinois

Becoming licensed foster parents

Adopting our little boy


Working with seniors

Working with adults with disabilities 

Working (a lot!) with refugees and immigrants

Volunteering with multiple organizations

Personal trainer and group fitness certifications

Working in personal training at the YMCA

Teaching Tabata and SilverSneakers at the YMCA

Many emotional rollercoasters, many learning curves and a lot of life experience. 

Since moving to Illinois, I have had the opportunity to learn about life from many different perspectives.  This is something which has interested me for long time. I enjoy connecting with all different types of people, from all walks of life, all in different situations, with different backgrounds, at different stages of life, all with different skills and knowledge and experience. This has allowed me to have a much broader outlook on life, and on our world. It has also overwhelmed me. However, connecting and developing relationships this way with others has had an enormous impact on me and on my life. 

I think that right now, as we begin to navigate possible future changes, I am at a point where I think rekindling this space will be an opportunity to share some (buried) reflections on what comes our way over the years  - with the ultimate goal of connection, compassion, understanding and acceptance.