For any budding traveller, Spain will be on the list of countries to head to at some point in their travelling career. Evidently it was on my list. Except it would not disappear from my list, so I always found myself back in the land of tortilla de patatas, patatas bravas and cafe con leche, por favor. To say the least. I have been lucky enough to visit a fair amount of this stunning country - more I often think, than some Spaniards - and I have found it to be so very diverse in the cultures and ambiance which fills the different regions. Maybe this was one of the reasons I was always drawn back into its grasp. The differences cannot be described simply through written words; it is about feelings and experience. And even after all my travels I know that there lies much more culture to be discovered, and more ambiance waiting to be inhaled around some corner. After years of study, its enigmatic language still enthralls me. Languages are the most interesting and the most perplexing of things. However, under a pile of rich beauty and culture which resides throughout the country, hides the small yet decidedly annoying faults.
Spain and I have developed a somewhat bitter-sweet relationship over the years. Yes, it is often more my homeland than my native land, but its vices dig in deep. Most revolve around its inability to adapt its traditions to a more modern world. Simple things, such as smoking or litter. Evidently Spain is not the only sinner, but here I feel a lack of desire in some respects. The small yet important blunders grate on my magical perception of this country. I do not wish these small faults which lie within everyone and everything to destroy all of the wonderful memories which I have of my time in cortado and caña land, so this signifies a call for change is about due.
Meaning a new country, and a big chunk of new things to get my teeth into. Ready, steady....
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