Friday, 25 March 2011

pain au raisin

Two weeks into lent. I've done this on numerous occasions and it's really no big deal. As soon as you complete your challenge once, you are positive you know you can do it, and that stress of whether you will succeed disappears almost completely. So here I am. What still remains, however, is the blatant denial which you have to subject yourself to. Once you get used to this, it's fine, but then comes along the craving. You will beat it, but it lingers over you for a while. Recently, this has taken the form of a 'pain au raisin', or 'caracol con pasas' (something like that). I don't really know the English term for them. They are kind of like a danish pastry, in a swirl shape, with raisins. They also contain this gooey goodness inside of them, and when served warm from the oven are absolutely divine. They were jumping out at me in the patisseries in the streets today. Yet I don't do giving in. I have a sneaking feeling they will most definitely be one of - if not the - treat which I will devour at Easter. The eggs can wait.
One of the things I love about lent is that as I evidently still have that sweet treat desire, I am able to rediscover all of the other decidedly delicious and healthy options which so often get left behind. I had forgotten how sweet and chewy and downright yummy that dried figs and dates are. Also, cut up some fruit and mix it with a dollop of yogurt and your taste buds will sparkle into action. Sprinkle some dried fruits on your cereal and let the fruits get to work.
All of this for some reason has given me the ache to bake. I'm making plans to try out some fig bread/cake recipes, along with any other fruity bread/cake creations. I don't really know what has brought on this sudden baking burst, but I'm more than happy to exploit it:) When the time comes.

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